National Get Outdoors Day is in it's second year and will hold events all over the country on June 13th.
"Participants from federal agencies, nonprofit organizations and the recreation industry are again teaming up to host the second annual National Get Outdoors Day (GO Day) to encourage healthy, active outdoor fun at sites across the nation. On Saturday, June 13, these diverse partners will offer opportunities for American families to experience traditional and non-traditional types of outdoor activities. Prime goals of the day are reaching currently under-served populations and first-time visitors to public lands, and reconnecting our youth to the great outdoors."
People are so disconnected from the natural world around them, even the nature around them everyday. The saying Take time to stop and smell the roses" couldn't be more important in today's world. Next time you are walking from your car to the entrance of the grocery store pay attention to how much nature you see around you. I bet if people took the time to do this more often they would be happier, calmer and more appreciative people. That is why I am so happy for an event like this.
You can find an event near you by checking out the National Get Outdoors Day website but if you can't make it out today or if nothing is scheduled for your area here are a few reading recommendations for your enjoyment.
A Walk in the Woods:Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail by Bill Bryson is by far the most fun I have had reading a book about being in the outdoors. It is hilarious and full of real life tips on how to survive hiking in the woods specifically the Appalachian Trail on the Eastern side of the country.I Love Dirt: 52 Activities to Help You and Your Kids Discover the Wonders of Nature by Jennifer Ward is on my to buy list. Living in the city I really need help to get my son out of the house away from city life and in touch with nature. What I like to call the "Real World". I Love Dirt promises to provide me with all those sweet little releases and lots of fond memories.
The Worst Case Scenario Almanac: The Great Outdoors by David Borgenicht and M
elissa Wagner is a must have for anyone planning to be outdoors for any length of time, let's say overnight or longer. I sincerely hope you never have to use any of the information you read in this book but if you encounter a problem you never thought would happen to you I sure hope you read this book. The scenarios are unlikely but the information provided is real, can prove highly useful and to top it all off it's insanely funny to read.
Currently "Reading":
Magazine - Good Housekeeping
Book - The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
Audio - was listening to NPR this morning, going to start my next audio book soon.
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